Letter of recommendation to The Walt Disney Company. Written by Matthew Ortoleva, chair of the English Department at Worcester State University.

Letter of recommendation. Written by Don Vescio, former-chair of the English Department at Worcester State University.

"I first met Anthony in my EN 101 College Writing I course at Worcester State University. I was fortunate to work with him an additional semester in 102 and now, we are reunited once again this time in the Writing Center--I am currently the interim director and he is a writing consultant, engaging and assisting his peers with various stages of the writing process.
Anthony is a junior majoring in English and Communications at WSU. Besides his writing and design interests in music and pop culture, Anthony is highly dedicated to supporting the LGBTQ+ community through his writing practice and activism. His poem, "IF NOT NOW, WHEN: My Words of Honor to LGBTQ Youth," received an honorable mention in the Barbara Pilon Poetry Contest and he also participated in a public reading of this work at the University's LGBTQ+ Flag Raising Ceremony this past April. He is a caring individual-- dedicated, and loyal. He has a strong personal conviction in tandem with a strong work ethic in his roles as a student, employee and citizen."
English Department, Worcester State University
Commendations on graphic designs (pulled from Instagram):